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Prescription Drug Disposal

San Juan County

Pharmaceutical Drug Disposal Program

Local law enforcement agencies provide prescription and over the counter drug disposal at five locations throughout San Juan County.  This local effort is to assist families in keeping medicines away from children and away from individuals who may choose to abuse these products.


Each agency will accept solid and liquid form medications that are unused, unwanted and expired.  This includes prescribed and over-the-counter medications.  Liquid medications should remain in their original container and please ensure that all liquid medication bottles are tightly closed.  Also remember to remove any personal information from medication containers prior to disposal.  Solid medications can be placed into zip-lock bags and appropriately discarded into the disposal bins.



Inhalers, intravenous solutions, injectable medications and syringes are not accepted at these locations.


Illicit substances such as marijuana and methamphetamine are not part of this disposal program and are not accepted at the disposal sites either.



Each agency hosts a secured container within their front lobby and its contents are disposed of daily.  The disposal bins are available during business hours of each agency.  The five separate locations provide convenience and ease of access to local residents.  Please recognize San Juan Regional Medical Center, and the law enforcement agencies of Aztec, Bloomfield, Farmington, San Juan County and Region II Drug Enforcement Task Force for their efforts in disposing of pharmaceutical drugs in a safe manor.



To the right you will find a printable flyer for the disposal program.


Below is a list of prescription drug disposal sites.  Each agency name will link you to their website.

Farmington Police Department Location

Aztec Police Department

201 W. Chaco

Aztec, NM 87410

(505) 334-7620


Monday - Thursday

7:00 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.

Bloomfield Police Department

711 Ruth Ln

Bloomfield, NM 87413

(505) 632-6311


Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Farmington Police Department

900 Municipal Dr.

Farmington, NM 87401

(505) 599-1072


Moday - Friday

7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Printable Flyer

San Juan County Sheriff’s Office

201 S. Oliver

Aztec, NM 87410

(505) 334-6107


Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

San Juan County Sheriff’s Office

SJCSO Kirtland Sub-station

6 Road 6360

Kirtland, NM 87417

(505) 334-6745


Monday - Thursday

8:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m.

1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

San Juan County Sheriff’s Office

SJCSO Lee Acres Sub-Station

21 Road 5500

Farmington, NM 87401

(505) 632-7088


Monday and Wednesday

8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

100 W. Broadway, Farmington, NM, 87401   -   -   (505)419-8939

© 2014 -2024 by Greg Allen and San Juan Safe Communities Initiative.

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