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The San Juan County Mental Health Task Force was formed in response to the passing of House Joint Memorial 17 in which the New Mexico Legislature requested that the Behavioral Health Collaborative convene stakeholders to develop humane and effective strategies to serve people with mental health disorders. The aim is to reduce the number of people with mental health disorders that require law enforcement intervention and to reduce the number of people with mental health disorders in detention centers. The Collaborative in conjunction with the New Mexico Association of Counties (NMAC) convened stakeholders who invested significant time in developing a set of recommendations that included Community Crisis System Planning.
The Mental Health Task Force meets at 9:00 am on the first Thursday of each month at San Juan Safe Communities Initiative’s conference room (100 W. Broadway in Farmington on the second floor). Please view the SJSCI Community Calendar to view upcoming dates.
To join the group, Contact:
Gretchen Potter at
(505-860-3365), or
Greg Allen at 505-599-1492.
The ;Not Alone Project is a local campaign to address the concerns of suicide in San Juan County and in the State of New Mexico.
The video series can be found at the link above and crisis hotline information as well as other important information can be found below.
A list of behavioral health providers can be found at the red link at the top of this page.

December 3, 2020 - Suicide Prevention Strategies Presentation
With NM Department of Health
During the December 2020 Mental Health Task Force meeting the New Mexico Department of Health provided a discussion on suicide prevention with Jacalyn P. Dougherty, PhD, Suicide Prevention Coordinator, and Natalie Lowe, Injury Epidemiologist.
MHTF Members
of San Juan County
Chairman - Gretchen Potter
Greg Allen, San Juan Safe Communities Initiative
Joell Jones, San Juan Safe Communities Initiative
Paula Jackson, San Juan County Partnership LEAD Program
Glynnis Urban, Aztec School District
Charity Norman, District Court Programs
Athena Huckaby, Ideal Options
Terri Kennedy, Community Member
Rick Quevedo, Desert View Family Counseling
San Juan County
Mental Wellness
Resource Center
The San Juan County Mental Wellness Resource Center is now open!
The MWRC can connect you to resources that meet your current needs.
You can find the center across the street from the Emergency Room at the San Juan Regional Medical Center.
Learn more on the printable flyer to the left.
Click to view printable flyer