Who We Are

San Juan Safe Communities Initiative, Inc. (SJSCI) is a non-profit corporation working in northwestern New Mexico with the goal of making San Juan County a safe place to live for all of its residents. SJSCI began in 2006 and earned 501(c)(3) non-profit status in June 2007. Our mission statement expresses our devotion to a safe community by enhancing the efforts of community groups that are addressing societal issues.
SJSCI’s board of directors come together as strong community leaders and visionaries through three steering committees: Suppression, Intervention, and Prevention. These three committees work to identify strategies to address the “root causes” of those issues that affect our safety and well being in San Juan County.
Supression, Intervention, and Prevention Committees
The Suppression Committee is comprised of area law enforcement agencies. The committee designs tactics to combat crime in the arena of substance abuse, mainly through reducing illicit drug availability, and street gang membership. Investigators regularly meet to brief on cases concerning county and regional crime, as individuals who are suspects of a crime in one jurisdiction are often the subject of an investigation in another jurisdiction. Through regular and on-going communication, agencies are able to mitigate criminal activity in their respective communities.
The Intervention Committee is reactive and addresses crime and substance abuse by implementing programs that can evoke change in the lives of community members. Change is not something that occurs over night, but rather an on-going process through self-determination, guidance, and support. San Juan County houses a multitude of resources developed to help facilitate change. SJSCI has brought these resources together in a virtual one-stop-shop for community members seeking assistance in one or several areas of their lives. The website includes a comprehensive resource directory, information regarding addiction and treatment, a community events calendar, prevention resources for teachers and parents, and updates regarding the activities of the initiative, as well as opportunities for community members to get involved. The website is an ongoing process with new information added and updated regularly to reflect changes and services in the community.
We would like to invite community agencies to email their current information to add to our resource guide. If you know of a community event that should be shared on our calendar, please send it to
Prevention, the most important committee, takes a proactive look at specific strategies that fit within our culture and address crime and substance abuse before they occur. Strong parents and families help make children resistant to the temptation of substance use and gang activity when faced with these issues. Strong families are able to teach and model healthy coping when faced with the pressures of adolescence.
Local and Online Resource
The community will not only have access to the information, but will have the ability to add to and update the information. For example, service providers will be able to post current information regarding the services they offer, as well as contact information. The community is also encouraged to place their event on the community calendar. If you have an event you would like on the calendar, please email Greg Allen at gallensjsci@gmail.com.
Bringing the Pieces Together
SJSCI draws upon our most valuable resource, the people, in order to achieve our shared goals. We believe that a comprehensive community-wide approach to solving our comprehensive community-wide problems is the only way we are be able to sustain lasting change. By bringing together committed, dedicated citizens and providing a voice for every segment of the population, maintaining our focus of collaboration and cooperation, and promoting our strategic vision for San Juan County, we will achieve a safe community.