Welcome to SJSCI!
San Juan Safe Communities Initiative (SJSCI) is a nonprofit organization that brings community leaders together and networks with other agencies throughout San Juan County with the purpose of creating a safer community and better quality of life for all of our valued residents. We sponsor the “You Matter” (UmattR) Role Model Campaign as well as our Teen Leadership Program, Bridges Out Of Poverty and Strong Families Matter. Please note our mission statement and our strong community business partners.
To the left you will see our community calendar that highlights other agencies in our community and their efforts, programs, and activities that strengthen our way of life in San Juan County. You will also find tabs below the community calendar that will link you to our online resource guide and news regarding local public awareness campaigns.
Vist UmattR.com
Public Perceptions of the Fair
Housing Law
The City of Farmington thanks you for participating in this important survey. The goal of this survey is to identify Fair Housing issues in the community.
Your participation in this survey will help determine the need for Fair Housing projects in the community..
Just open the survey by clicking on the CDBG icon.
Thank you,
Jay Peterman
To learn more about housing affordability read the City of Farmington's 2012 Housing Affordability Update.