Outdoor Recreation and Plans for Community Transformation
Great activities and healthy city amenities are heading your way. Learn about what is in store for area residents and visitors on this...

Accomplishments of 2019 and Goals for 2020
Mayor Duckett and City Manager Mayes discuss accomplishments of 2019 and goals set for 2020 on this episode of The Mayor's Table.
Jolt Our Future: City of Farmington Comprehensive Plan
Skip the lead in advertisements and forward to 16:00 minutes to view the beginning of the program. San Juan Safe Communities Initiative...

Jolt Our Future at Farmington Civic Center
Jolt Our Future: the City of Farmington's comprehensive plan to be held at the Farmington Civic Center on January 30th.

Main Street Enhancements
Enhancements to downtown Main St. have begun. Mayor Duckett discusses the project with the Complete Streets Project Manager Sherry Roach,...

Community Relations Commission & Civility First
Benjamin Franklin said, “Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every year find you a better person” Mayor...

The Night Before Christmas
A special episode of The Mayor's Table. Enjoy "The Night Before Christmas" reading with Mayor Duckett, Police Chief Hebbe, and Fire Chief...

The Night Before Christmas Promo
Coming to you and your family on Christmas Eve: Mayor Duckett will be reading, "The Night Before Christmas" with his guests, Police Chief...

2019 Holiday Events
Still shopping for those special people in your life? Give the gift of experience and take part in the exceptional holiday events heading...

Farmington Civic Center Events
Live entertainment opportunities are coming your way! Learn more about the Farmington Civic Center on this episode of The Mayor’s Table...